Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Does Petreus Get a Pass

As a military guy who has had top secret access in the past, I am well aware that sometimes circumstances require that the government not be truthful. It is naive to believe that we should always tell truth because it "is the right thing to do". The bad guys don't have rules and will do anything to win which means terrorizing and killing you and me and our families. So get real Petraeus has had to lie a lot in his career. As a patriot and a loyal soldier I salute his for doing his job. This does not make me an apologist for the general who in my mind and the minds of many ex-military has sold out for whatever personal reasons motivated him.

Let's look at the facts of Bengazi. Ambassador Stephenson was probably involved in some black operations on behalf of the U.S. government. This guy knew the area and knew what was going on which is precisely why he kept on asking for additional security. Clearly the U.S. State Department, U.S. Military, and the U.S. Administration blew it in ensuring that their personnel were protected. I can't prove it but it certainly appears since they had experts in the area this omission was by design. Whether it was to support Obama's agenda of Al Qaeda's demise or whether it was an attempt at a lower profile.. who knows but with respect to Petraeus' actions after the fact, it is irrelevant.

If the U.S. military and State Department could communicate by flash traffic in seconds in the 1970's they certainly could communicate and did communicate instantly once the attack was underway. Having attended many flag level briefings I can say unequivocally Bengazi was briefed as a terrorist attack in State, military and intelligence commands around the world within hours. So everybody lied.. Obama, Panetta, Clinton, Petraeus etc. with everybody covering up for the administration.

What makes this so offensive is that the lie was political. It was geared to fit the Obama agenda requiring Panetta and Petraeus with Mullen and the Joint Chiefs all to sell out. If there was some compelling black ops problem that needed to be covered up, all the above could easily have said that it was a terrorist attack and we are pursuing every avenue to bring these people to justice.The nature of the lie after the fact gives us a pretty good understanding why State and the military failed to provide adequate security or respond to the embassy's plea for help. The pathetic suggestion of a video being the cause tells you all you need to know. The primary rationale for the cover-up was all about politics. Admiral Mullen, General Petraeus, and Leon Panetta sold out. At best this Administration is grossly incompetent and the worst is they have betrayed their trust with the American public and the people who died.

We expect our political leaders to be willing to prostitute themselves for personal gain. It is a stunning disappointment when we discover that character flaw in our military leaders.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

It has been some time since I posted anything on this blog. To say that political dialogue is dead in this country is understatement regardless of what party you support. My colleagues on the Roadshow and in the art world are mostly liberal and firmly entrenched in their political philosophies, so why bother. The answer is that someone just may have heard the tree fall in the forest. In the next few months I am going to take various issues and try to give you balanced arguments on both sides. The fact check business has become just that and pretty much joke geared to tell people what they want to hear. But in politics as well as life integrity does count and I maintain that sooner or later your candidate will tell you indirectly whether he or she is just another dirtbag politician. Example if Harry Reid tells you that Romney didn't pay taxes for ten years without any substantiating proof, you can put him in the dirtbag column. I will give you some more dirtbag profiles on both sides in the coming months.

For now let's like at the case for raising taxes. I am going to give you some links and you can go make up your own mind. But understand the meager increase that Obama is recommending is spitting into the wind and all he is trying to do is break the inertia of the mindset of no new taxes. After WWII and even up to the early 1960's we had taxes for the rich over 90%.. Many economists see a pragmatic middle ground of around 45 to 50 percent on earned income and certainly something greater than 15% for long term capital gains. Clearly for most objective analysts any talk  of raising taxes without significant spending cuts is just a ploy by the left to fuel further expansion of government. I am somewhat cynical now and believe that that is precisely what the left wants to do. So me raising taxes for this purposes is objectionable  as a cheap shell game with no pea. You don't have a chance and future generations will certainly lose. I believe most Americans believe that as well.

So here are your  links with a few notes on each.. have fun.. JB

Raising taxes For and Against

Forbes magazine for the case against raising taxes.

The New York Times makes the case for raising taxes.

The Wall Street Journal examines whether higher taxes would slow growth

Washington Post warms that Increasing taxes would kill small business

New York Times raising taxes shouldn't discourage philanthropy

Washington Post a rich guy's case for raising taxes reprinted by the Bangor Daily News

New York Times stating that the math doesn't add up.

NPR states that the new French President plans to raise the tax rate from 41% to 75%

The Economist looks at both sides in taxing the rich

That's probably more information than you have wanted but hopefully it will be a resource for you in the future.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Obama Health care promises

1. " Obama's Health care program will lower costs. Here the Huffington Post disagrees with the President. Insurance premiums have risen
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama told voters repeatedly during the health care debate that the overhaul legislation would bring down fast-rising health care costs and save them money. Now, he's hemming and hawing on that.

So far, the law he signed earlier this year hasn't had the desired effect. An analysis from Medicare's Office of the Actuary this week said that the nation's health care tab will go up – not down – through 2019 as a result of Obama's sweeping law, though the increase is modest.

Obama offered some caveats when asked in his news conference Friday about the apparent discrepancy between what he promised and what's actually happening so far. On several other topics, too, his rhetoric fell short of a full accounting."

2. OK so even the liberal Hufington Post is challenging whether Obamacare is lowering costs. What about our costs.. the premiums we pay.

"The Congressional Budget office says that yearly health insurance premiums are actually going to increase by about $2,300 each year as a result of the new law, but that estimate is probably far, far too low.

The truth is that rates are already shooting through the roof. Just consider the following excerpt from a recent article on Fox News….

Here is the terse reason CareFirst/Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Washington gave its subscribers for raising a monthly premium from $333 to $512 on a middle aged man who is healthy, is not a smoker and is not obese: “Your new rate reflects the overall rise in health care costs and we regret having to pass these additional costs on to you.” "

3. Doctors have been opting out of the Medicare system at an alarming rate lately as the system goes through a tumultuous year, leaving some accountants’ clients in a bind when they suddenly cannot get their medical bills paid.

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At the New York State Society of CPAs’ health care conference on Tuesday, Katherine Dunphy, director of congressional affairs at National Government Services, a major contractor for Medicare administrative services, described this nightmare scenario. While her company is not supposed to deal directly with Medicare patients, it often finds itself on the receiving end of calls anyway. Still, Dunphy noted that many Medicare patients do not take advantage of the appeals process offered by the program.

Dunphy mostly deals with doctor’s offices, which are having a hard time keeping up with the rapid changes in Medicare. The system is on its fourth physician fee schedule of the year, thanks to all the uncertainty and changes brought by the health care reform bill. Medicare has become a daunting system for many doctors' offices, and often not one that reimburses doctors quickly or highly.

While 97 percent of doctors still accept Medicare, according to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, problems with Medicare reimbursement rates have frustrated many physicians and their accounts receivable staff. New York State has the highest number of doctors of any state in the country opting out of the system, according to Dunphy: “Every day we’re getting calls from doctors who are saying, ‘I can’t keep up.’” She noted that in some hospitals on Manhattan’s East Side, it is difficult to find a doctor in certain practice specialties who accepts Medicare.

The Medical Society of the State of New York recently announced that 1,100 doctors had left the system, including the society’s own president, who is also boycotting private insurance plans."  http://www.webcpa.com/.

So medical costs continue to rise. You pay higher premiums, more uninsured Americans and illegal aliens are covered and enter the system, ands doctors are opting out of the system. I know as apart of the medicare system, I pay more for my insurance coverage than I did and have already lost one doctor who left his general practice to set up a boutique medical business where all his patients pay $5,000 annually just to be a part of the client list. The thinking is that soon this option won't be open to doctors forcing more and more to retire. One of the criticism of Obamacare was that it would become more and more restrictive in what treatments the government would authorize. How difficult is it to understand that more people in the system with fewer doctors and more costs with less revenue does not mean a better health care system.

Is it reasonable to believe that President Obama and his administration could not foresee this? If it is then we must assume that he is not fit to be President.  If President Obama knew that he was lying then clearly he is also not fit to be President.

Time to Talk

It has been a long and busy summer. But now we are getting into political season and it is time to do what I can to make some contribution to the debate of where this country is heading over the next two years. My view is that of a conservative but I will not deal in my opinion. I will merely give you the source material and let you make up your own mind. It is disturbing to me that the liberal pundits and media types seem to want to spend more time making personal attacks than debating the issues. To me this is a well orchestrated distraction. I am not taking the bait and neither should you you. Look at what's been promised and then look at what has been accomplished. Look at what was supposed to happen and what actually has happened. Your decision on whom to vote for should be based on who has the credibility to get us out of this mess. You must make yup your mind whether our political leaders are just incompetent or whether they have been purposefully being deceiving us for their own agenda. You can make the call. I do think Ben Stein had it right when he posed this paradoxical question.

"Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are insured but people don't have to prove they are citizens."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Amnesty and our Border - Building a Constituency

CNN News, not Fox -- Obama is indeed transparent. Arizona probably forced him to show his hand a bit sooner than he would have liked.. like after the Amnesty bill was passed. Obama wasn't lying when he said illegal’s would not be able to get medical coverage under his ObamaCare plan. His simple fix is to make them all legal first... and could this have anything to do with slanting the vote in 2010 & 2012....?) Please click on this link to view the CNN segment from June 2007. It is important to understand the kind of elements that Congressional Democrats tried to include in this bill which in my mind exceeds the description Baynard gave it. Be wary of the next time around. This is still up on YouTube.

Here’s another reason to support the Arizona law (which has been a Federal law for decades but Obama and the far left won’t tell you about this, check it out on Snopes or Google it and you will see. There are so many lies it’s impossible to tell all of them). Watch both of these, they are very disturbing! Click the link (s) at the bottom.
You have to look at these 2 video clips -- shocking ! According to the Border Patrol the public is being mislead as to WHO is coming into the US from Mexico. This IS THE TRUTH. as reported by WSBTV in Atlanta. (a reputable public news! Not 'Tea party' or any other special interest group!)

Video 1 http://www.wsbtv.com/video/23438021/index.html

Video 2 http://www.wsbtv.com/video/23438712/index.html

Watch before the video expires.

The Obama administration honestly believes that you the American public are stupid enough to support their efforts through government to control a good portion of your life. If you have studied this issue and you honestly believe this adminsitration is doing anything more than securing political control for Democrats for generations to come, then you are readily accepting the obvious very concerted decisions that are currently being made on the border.

I have said many times that the Obama administration is willing to sacrifice everything for their ideology. Study, look at the facts objectively, and come up with leaders that will ensure the next generation has something to thank us for.
Since the beginning of our second war with Iraq the left has been clobbering Bush for lying about Saddam Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction, which was the rationale for out attack on them. Conveniently forgotten was the fact that the majority of intelligence organizations the U.S. was collaborating with agreed that Hussein had them. Conveniently forgotten was the fact that liberal senators Kennedy, Kerry, and Clinton agreed with this assessment. And maybe most importantly is the critical fact that we can not say definitely that he did not have them.. we can only say we did not find them. That's a provable fact. Whether he destroyed some, moved some, had none, nobody can say for sure. So it is possible that Bush was correct to some degree based on the knowledge he had. Were there intelligence failures.. sure. Did they amount to a conspiracy to enable Bush and his team to attack Iraq.. probably not. If Bush pulled this off maybe he is brighter than all the leftist luminaries that insist he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

I dredge up this ancient history as the result of my Sunday morning perusal of the paper where I noticed a very small article quoting Susan Bailey, president of the Texas Medical Association commenting on a study showing that Texas doctors were fleeing the Medicare system in "alarming rates". Bailey's direct quote: "This new data shows the Medicare system is beginning to implode. If Congress doesn't fix Medicare soon, there will be more and more doctors dropping out, and Congress' promise to provide medical care to seniors will be broken."

We have barely begun the implementation of Obama's Health Care program and already the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) is reneging on its assessment that the program in fact will not be deficit neutral and will increase the deficit another 150 billion. I guarantee this number will go up. We are also learning that we won't necessarily keep our own doctors because big companies like AT&T, John Deere and others have figured out it may be cheaper to pay the fines than insure their employees in compliance with the guidelines. Understand that we are only in the revenue collecting phase and that most benefits don't kick in until 1014.. This program is collect revenue for ten offer services for six... and it still WON"T balance to be deficit neutral.

Contrary to President Bush and the Iraq war, this lie is provable. It's called ideology at any price. And believe this, Obama's lie was from the beginning intended consequences for the ultimate prize, which is big government controlling our lives. Significantly, it is provable that government does a very bad job managing any business. So stop telling me how wonderful the plans are in Europe and how we need to emulate this model. The euro is dropping and the people are rioting. We need to wake up before we're doing the same. And that too is becoming provable with each day.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

California and Greece and Easy Comparison

California is broke. California is broke as a result of too much spending and too little revenue to pay for it. In 1996 Californians voted 2 to 1 NOT to pay for health care and education for illegal immigrants. The 9th Circuit found this to be unconstitutional and so for the past 14 years California has paid by some conservative estimates 4 billion dollars a year for these services which amounts to a 50 billion dollar problem that is the difference now between solvency and a bankrupt California. (See data below) Maybe if Meg Whitman gets elected she will have better luck than the present Governor. Regardless in a very liberal entitlement oriented state Whitman will have a tough time changing the culture. That is precisely what is happening in Greece and will down the line happen in the U.S. You simply can not continue spending without some negative ramifications. The spending from the Obama administration is insane (Einstein's definition - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results).

The European socialist system is failing in Greece, Italy, Spain, Ireland, France, and the United Kingdom. Why then must we hold these countries up as a model of where we want to go? Any economist that supports this sort of fiscal irresponsibility is an idealog with a political agenda that is not in the best interest of the U.S.

If you read this blog, I don't ask you to believe me. I simply ask that you study and listen and base your opinions on facts and not the talking heads in the media bombarding you with information that is many cases provably false.

Supporting data
1. Analysis of the latest Census data indicates that California's illegal immigrant population is costing the state's taxpayers more than $10.5 billion per year for education, medical care and incarceration. Even if the estimated tax contributions of illegal immigrant workers are subtracted, net outlays still amount to nearly $9 billion per year. The annual fiscal burden from those three areas of state expenditures amounts to about $1,183 per household headed by a native-born resident. (http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServer?pagename=iic_immigrationissuecentersffec)